Measuring Collective Impact

3 yr plan graphic





Shape Up SF has three priorities as illustrated above:

  1. Increase access to healthy food;
  2. Increase opportunities for physical activity; and
  3. Decrease consumption of sugary drinks and increase access/consumption to tap water.

Our strategic plan has two strategies to turn the curve in these areas:

  1. Policy, systems and environmental changes
  2. Awareness, education and promotion activities

If the organization you represent has done any work in these priority areas since January 1, 2015, please let us know! We’ve created very brief surveys to track all of our great work.

We need your help to show the impact that all our hard work is having collectively on the health and well-being of San Franciscans. Thank you for your support!

Strategy 1: Policy, Systems and Environmental Changes

Strategy 2: Awareness, Education and Promotion Activities

Learn more about Shape Up SF’s strategic directions or download our 3-year strategic plan (PDF).

Moving More

Check out the latest "Portraits of PE Champions" videos on our PE Advocates Media Page!

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